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The topping adds an element of contrast to the ice cream, both in terms of flavor and texture. It can be sweet, crunchy, creamy or fruity, offering a variety of taste sensations that combine harmoniously with the creaminess of the ice cream. Its crunchy or creamy touch creates a pleasant game of textures that blends with the softness of the ice cream, offering a satisfying multi-sensory experience.

In addition to satisfying the palate, the ice cream topping can also be a decorative element. Its colorful presence, its texture or its shape can enrich the presentation of the ice cream, making it even more inviting and appealing to the eyes.

Finally, the ice cream topping can be customized to individual preferences. You can combine different types of toppings, creating a unique mix of flavors and textures. You can dose the abundance or delicacy, adjusting the intensity of the desired taste experience.


SKU: P3852222
  • Store in cool, dry places, protected from light and in tightly closed containers.

  • 24 MONTHS

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